Josef Müller, Willisau


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   are      aren't      haven't      he      her      him      I      is      it      our      she      them      they      we      you   
- These Casey's new friends. Do you like ?
- Yes, are very nice.

- There Susanna, Sue's new friend. Do you like ?
- Yes, is nice.

- Vince here? We want .
- I 'm sorry. I don't know where is.

- Where is my book?
- don't know. I haven't got . Is in your bag?

- Tim, do go to the disco on Saturday? Can come with you ?
- I’m sorry, John! can’t go! I must do my homework on Saturday.

- Where Sue and friends? Did you see ?
- No I don't see . Perhaps in the kitchen.

- my bag here? I want .
- 'm sorry. I don't know where is.

- Where my pens? Are in your bag?
- No, got them . They in my bag. Are on your desk?

Sue goes to the disco on Saturday. asks Tim and Tom.
- Tim and Tom, do go to the disco on Saturday? Can come with ?
- No, must do homework on Saturday.

- That's Sue's new boyfriend. Do like ?
- Yes, is very nice.